It takes all kinds to make this world!
The mind-boggling variety of personalities has always been a topic of interest for many. Scholars from different disciplines have continuously tried to develop theories that explain this phenomenon. Many of the old theories were based on the understanding of physiology at that time, the premise being that our behaviour must be a function of our body. The ancient Indian system of Ayurved recognized three categories as vaat, pitta, kapha. Hippocrates conceived four categories as black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood. Later Avicenna defined four temperaments as hot, cold, moist and dry.
During the 20th century, research on traits, behaviour and personality went beyond physiology. Path-breaking work by Pavlov, Adler, Eysenck, Jung and many others has contributed to our understanding of the complexity of personalities today.
The field of psychometry stands on the foundation of these stalwarts. It attempts to create tests for measurement of traits, knowledge, ability, attitude and behaviour. There are countless tests available, each with its pros and cons.
Read more about MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) here.
Find out how you can use FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation) here.
Is there a way of knowing how others would describe you? Is there some instrument that can provide inputs to the interview panel before selection of a candidate? Find out all this about CPI260 here.
Find out how you can use FIRO-B (Fundamental Interpersonal Relationship Orientation) here.
Is there a way of knowing how others would describe you? Is there some instrument that can provide inputs to the interview panel before selection of a candidate? Find out all this about CPI260 here.